Azappa Studios

Top 10 Tips for Getting a Cover-Up Tattoo


Aug 23, 2024By Msapiatattoos

So, you’re here because that “No Ragrets” tattoo didn’t age as well as you hoped. Maybe your ex’s name still haunts your bicep, or that tribal design from the early 2000s isn’t quite the vibe anymore. Fear not! The beauty of tattoos is that we live in the era of cover-ups. It’s time to turn that regrettable ink into a masterpiece. But before you rush off to your artist, let’s talk strategy! Here are the top 10 tips when looking for a cover-up tattoo (because you don’t want to be back here again in five years).

1. Pick an Artist Who Specializes in Cover-Ups

You wouldn’t ask a plumber to fix your car, right? Same rule applies to tattoos. Not every artist is a cover-up wizard. Look for someone with a portfolio full of cover-ups where the old tattoo is actually invisible. Trust me, you don’t want your new design to be just a slightly more artistic blob.

2. Bigger is Better

It’s time to go big or… well, stay home with that awkward faded dolphin tattoo. Cover-ups usually need to be larger than the original design to effectively hide the old ink. Think of it like painting over a wall—more coverage means smoother results. Plus, bigger tattoos are a chance for an epic statement piece!

3. Darker Colors Are Your Friends

Let’s be real: you’re not covering that old tattoo with pastel butterflies. Darker, more saturated colors like blacks, blues, and reds work best for cover-ups. A rainbow tattoo might sound fun, but unless you want your old design peeking through, lean into the bold.

4. Be Flexible with Your Design

You might dream of a delicate, minimalist tattoo, but your old ink might have other ideas. Be prepared to compromise. Your artist will work with the existing design, and that cute little daisy might turn into a majestic dragon. Embrace the surprise—it could end up being way cooler than you expected!

5. Laser Fading Might Be in Your Future

If your original tattoo is particularly dark or bold, laser fading could be a game-changer. This isn’t full removal; it’s more like hitting the “dimmer switch” on your tattoo. Less ink to cover = more flexibility for your new design. It’s like a reset button, minus the DeLorean.

6. Don’t Rush It

I get it—you want that old tattoo gone yesterday. But rushing into a cover-up could leave you with two tattoos you regret. Take your time to research the right artist, come up with a solid design, and heal properly between sessions. Patience is key to avoiding round two of “What was I thinking?!”

7. Texture is Your Friend

If your old tattoo has thick lines or blocky shapes, your cover-up artist might suggest a design with lots of texture. Things like feathers, scales, or intricate patterns can work wonders at breaking up the old tattoo’s shape. Think of it like camo, but way more stylish.

8. Placement Plays a Part

While you’re working on that cover-up, take a minute to think about the placement. Is the tattoo in a spot that still works with your new design idea? Sometimes, moving a design slightly to flow with your body’s natural curves can make all the difference. It’s all about that artistic finesse.

9. Trust Your Artist

If you’ve done your homework and picked a solid artist, trust them! They’re the pros, after all. Listen to their suggestions on size, placement, and colors—they’ve seen it all before and know what will work. If they say a neon yellow butterfly might not cover that dark skull… they’re probably right.

10. Cover-Ups Are a Fresh Start—Own It!

Last but not least, embrace this new tattoo as a fresh beginning! Whether you’re erasing a mistake, outgrowing an old design, or simply evolving in your tastes, your cover-up is a way to express where you are now. Make it meaningful, fun, or just plain awesome—and, most importantly, make sure you love it. No more regrets. For real this time.

So, there you have it—cover-up tattoos are your second chance at tattoo glory! Do your research, trust the process, and before you know it, that old ink will be nothing more than a funny story you tell at parties. Happy inking!